Lower London Street Dixieland Jazz Band Plays the Last Tuesday of the Month at The Red Brick Tavern.
Band Members: Rick Dickerson-Lead Cornet and Vocals; Doug Jennings-Clarinet; Bob Lackey-Trombone; Glenn Parks-Banjo, Vocals, Announcer; Jim Scofield-Tuba; Ernie Sparks-Percussion (Ernie is not pictured in this photograph).
For over twenty-five years, since 1978, the Lower London Street Dixieland Band has been playing at The Red Brick Tavern in Lafayette. They are always there on the last Tuesday of the month beginning at 7:30 pm and continuing until about 9:30 or 10 pm.
Joe and I first were introduced to the band when Joe interned at The Medicine Shoppe in London with pharmacist, Ernie Sparks. Ernie is the drummer in the band, which plays dixieland jazz in a traditional San Francisco style.
We stopped over last night to hear the band play, eating dinner in the bar area since the dining room was packed with faithful jazz fans. The band puts on a toe tapping show complete with many jokes and solo performances by each of the band members (they always tease that Ernie never knows when to end his solo). Ernie was playing the drums last night even though he recently injured his foot in a motorcycle accident and had to have surgery. Talk about dedication!
If you like jazz music or are just a music fan in general, a visit to The Red Brick Tavern to hear Ernie and the guys play is definitely worth an evening out.
If you would like to make reservations to hear the band the next time they play on Tuesday, August 31, call The Red Brick Tavern at 740-852-1474. The Red Brick Tavern is located at 1700 Cumberland Road (Route 40) in Lafayette. The historic inn, which was once on the stagecoach route, is worth a visit. To find out more, visit their web site: The Red Brick Tavern
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