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Congratulations to Lauren Prochaska for Making 70 Consecutive Free Throws!

We just wanted to congratulate Lauren Prochaska on her incredible record of 70 straight free throws, an NCAA women’s record.

As someone who played a limited amount of basketball in Junior High and High School, I know just how tense things can get at the free throw line. But I cannot imagine trying to make those shots, like Lauren did, while on a shooting spree that was breaking every record on the books!

So congrats, Lauren, for keeping your poise and grace while under the eyes of the entire sports world. We are very proud you. And we know you’ll soon be setting another record that surpasses your current 70 in a row!

To read more about Lauren’s incredible free throw record, go HERE.

And to see a video of Lauren shooting a free throw and explaining her technique, go HERE.

Photo of Lauren by Nathan Elekonich of The BG News.

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