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Letter of Appreciation for Monies Received from the Christmas Basket Project.

The Plain City Lions Club recently dropped off a nice check to the Plain City Food Pantry.

We recently received this letter from the Plain City Food Pantry. They asked that we pass this message along so everyone in the community would know how very grateful they are for the support they receive. They were having trouble getting the newspaper to print their letter, so they decided to see if we would help.

Dear Members, Friends, Village Administrators, Village Staff and Employees, Local Area Companies, Corporations and Businesses, Plain City School Administrators and Students, and all individuals involved in this past December’s 2010 Christmas Basket Project.

The Plain City Food Pantry was so surprised and totally delighted to have received such a large donation to the pantry itself from the Plain City Presbyterian Church. We understand that this check is the result of a total unified Plain City community endeavor.

You have no idea how this wonderful monetary gift shall help to provide the much needed food, toiletries and clothing to all of the families and individuals in the Plain City, Ohio community who come to the pantry for some assistance in meeting their month-to-month needs in order to continue on in their lives and make their lives so much easier.

Every month we just pray to God for His guidance and direction for the pantry. We continually pray for the required monies, contributions and gifts to be able to continue to serve the community. It is the love and offerings that we receive from all of the churches, the fellowships, prayer groups, businesses, companies, schools, families and individuals in the Plain City community that provides the resources for us to continue on in this very special work.

We continue to praise God for all of the many volunteers that the Plain City community directs our way to assist, help and work in the pantry to be able to help and assist all those who come to us for some aid and relief. If it wasn’t for the total Plain City community as a unified group, we could not survive in this ministry of helps. We thank all of you for your continuous contributions on the pantry’s behalf.

It is through the efforts, the concern, and the love of the community for others that we of the Plain City Food Pantry can and shall continue on to serve those in need. We are so proud to be a part in this function and operation of the Plain City community itself.


All Volunteers and Workers at the Plain City Food Pantry

The Plain City Food Pantry serves the entire Plain City, Ohio area, providing “A Ministry of Helps” to all families and individuals who need help and assistance. These services include provision of food, groceries, and toiletries on a monthly basis, as well as providing used clothing and apparel to people of all ages. They serve and assist over 190 households per month, which amounts to approximately 600 individuals on an average per month. This average totals to almost 9,000 meals monthly.

The Plain City Food Pantry is open Saturdays from 10 am to noon. They are located at 156 West Main Street in downtown Plain City. They have been serving the Plain City community since 1984.

The Plain City Food Pantry is administered and operated totally by volunteers.

For more information, contact the Food Pantry by calling 614-733-0909 or by mailing them at P. O. Box 2, Plain City, OH 43064.

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