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National Handwashing Awareness Week is December 6-12.


One of the easiest things you can do to prevent the spread of germs is washing your hands. At this time of the year as everyone is getting flu shots to prevent the flu, hand washing, along with an annual flu shot, can greatly increase your chances of remaining well.

Dr. Will Sawyer, an infection prevention expert, mans a web site for “Champion Handwashers.” The web site, Henry the Hand, offers important principals of hand awareness to help prevent germs from being passed.


First off, wash your hands when they are dirty, after using the bathroom, and before eating.

Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands. We all know to use our elbows to catch those germs when we sneeze and cough.

Don’t put dirty fingers into your eyes, mouth, or nose.

For more information on National Handwashing Awareness Week, vista the Henry the Hand web site HERE.

For tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on proper hand washing protocol, go HERE.



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