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Help Boy Scout, Stewart Morris, with a School Supply Drive on August 3!

Stewart Morris, who many of you know is the grandson of Ernestine Young and the nephew of our good friend, Allen Young, is pursuing the highest ranking in the Boy Scouts through a very special project. Stewart is hoping to make the Eagle Scout ranking by carrying out a School Supply Drive on Saturday, August 3 from 9 am to 1 pm. Items can be dropped off during that time period at the Milford Center Community Center in Milford Center, Ohio, located on East State Street.

For his Eagle Scout project, Stewart has chosen to give back to his school and community by providing students in need at Fairbanks Elementary School (grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade) with backpacks filled with school supplies for the upcoming school year.

School supplies needed include:

  1. Backpacks

  2. 24 pack Crayola crayons

  3. Glue Sticks

  4. Wide Ruled paper

  5. Erasers

  6. Highlighters

  7. Black Dry Erase Markers

  8. #2 Pencils

  9. Pencil Sharpeners

10. Scissors

11. Pens

12. Post-it Notes

13. Composition Books

14. Tissues

15. Disinfecting wipes

16. Gallon and Quart Sized Baggies

Monetary Donations will also be accepted and used to purchase additional supplies and backpacks.

If you would like to donate, but are unable to drop off the items on August 3, please call Stewart at 614-557-9522 and he will happily make arrangements to pick up any donations and supplies you would like to give him for the Fairbanks students.

Thank you in advance for helping Stewart reach his Eagle Scout ranking through your kind donations to help Fairbanks school children!

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