Archive for April, 2014
Attend a Private Screening of “Operation Resurrection” on Wednesday, May 14.
On Wednesday, May 14, attend a private screening of the documentary Operation Resurrection in the Bunsold Middle School Auditorium, 14198 State Route 4 in Marysville. Doors open at 4 pm with the screening beginning at 4:15 pm.
According to the flyer we received in the mail from Memorial Hospital, this documentary was produced in order to find “coordinated solutions to the health, education, and employment issues our Iraq (OIF-Operation Iraqi Freedom) and Afghanistan (OEF-Operation Enduring Freedom) veterans face when they return home.”
The document also states that “nearly 450,000 of the 2.5 million deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan over the last 13 years will suffer from mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Our communities need to connect these heroes to employers, matching the Veteran’s skills and aptitudes with work. We must continue the long term relationship of reintegration and advancement.”
The nonprofit foundation, Resurrecting Lives, that is affiliated with the documentary works to provide services and employment opportunities for returning veterans with TBI. Dr. Chrisanne Gordon, a local physician who has served as the Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services at Memorial Hospital in Union County, is the Founder of Resurrecting Lives. Dr. Gordon is the force behind the efforts to help veterans with traumatic brain injuries transition back into their communities and have a future.
You MUST RSVP for this event by May 7 as seating is limited. Please call 937-578-2316 to RSVP for the viewing of the documentary.
To find out more about Operation Resurrection, go HERE.
To read more about Dr. Chrisanne Gordan, who has spearheaded this project, please go HERE.
To LIKE Operation Resurrection on Facebook, go HERE.
Click on the flyer below to enlarge it and read more details.
Got Drugs? Turn in Expired and Unused Medication Safely on Saturday, April 26.
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will take place on Saturday, April 26 from 10 am to 2 pm. During this yearly event, you can turn in old or no longer used medicines for proper disposal. We know that many of you may have medications that have expired or that you don’t take any more and this is a perfect way to make sure they are destroyed so that no one gets hurt.
To find out more about the Take-Back Day, visit the web site HERE.
To find a disposal location near you, go HERE and put in your zip code or county and city.
There will be two locations where you can turn in medications in Madison County:
1. London Elementary School, parking lot on Elm Street (State Route 38) during the Community Expo.
2. Family Dollar Parking Lot, Yankeetown Street, Mt. Sterling.
In Union County, you can turn in medications at:
1. Union County Sheriff’s Office, 221 West Fifth Street, Marysville.
Another close location is at Dublin Methodist Hospital, 7500 Hospital Drive in Dublin. The Dublin Division of Police will be collecting medications at this location.
ASE Feed and Supply’s Customer Appreciation Day is Saturday, April 26.
ASE Feed and Supply will be throwing a customer appreciation breakfast celebration on Saturday, April 26. Ken Jewell and his wife, Teresa, purchased the feed store and mill in 2001 and renamed it ASE in honor of their three daughters–Amy, Stacy, and Emily. They have been serving the Plain City community for thirteen years!
If you stop by on April 26, you can get a pancake breakfast from 8 am to 1 pm. There will also be a 10 percent discount on anything purchased in the main store and a ten percent discount on all bird seed, all dog food, gates and tanks, and organic chicken starter and layer. There will also be a twenty percent discount on trophy and redmond rocks. Additionally, you can register in a drawing to win 1 year of FREE Blue Buffalo dog food.
Adoptable dogs from the Union County Humane Society will also be visiting from 9 am to 11 am.
The customer appreciation event ends at 2 pm when the store closes.
I have to thank Ken and everyone at ASE for supporting Black and Orange Cat Foundation for the past seven years (or more). Carol Gaul helped Ken get the feral cats that were living around the mill and shop fixed and vaccinated. These cats kept the mice under control around the mill, but also tended to cross the street to the Gaul’s shop and often met unhappy fates on the road. After being fixed, they didn’t wander so much and Carol stopped worrying about them. Ken was also very glad to have the cats around.
Ken kindly donates food to Black and Orange every month, which we then distribute to people in need. Additionally, Ken donated a dog house to us a few years ago for Peggy Meadows, who runs a small dog rescue (Happy Tails of Central Ohio), here in Plain City. We cannot thank Ken and ASE enough for all their generosity.
ASE Feed and Supply is located at 211 S. Jefferson Avenue (Route 42) in Plain City (they are across the street from McDonald’s). For more information, including hours of operation, products and services, visit their web site HERE.
You can also “Like” ASE Feed and Supply on Facebook HERE.
A Night at the Races to Support UPCO on Saturday, April 26.
On Saturday, April 26, gather up all of your family and friends and come on down to the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Parish Activity Center (the PAC) for a racing spectacular. Located at 670 West Main Street (behind the fire station), the PAC will be the site of a fun evening of horse racing that will benefit UPCO, the Uptown Plain City Organization.
Become a horse owner, name your steed, and listen for the race announcer to call it out. Enjoy the free buffet while betting against your neighbor’s horse. There are a limited number of horses available, so we suggest buying early: $20 per horse!
Costs are: $25 each person or $40 per couple. And if you decide to participate in the races, you can spend $20 per horse you decide to “own.”
There will also be a free buffet and cash bar, an auction race which you can enter to win half the cash, a 50/50 raffle, and lots more fun!
As this is the kickoff day to Kentucky Derby week, there will also be virgin mint juleps and a Best Derby Hat contest. So get those fancy hats out or decorate one to wear.
Tickets and horses may be purchased in person at ASE Seed & Feed, as well as Main Street Treasures. Please note that you do not have to be present at the event to be a winning horse owner.
Online registration is available at Want to print out and mail in your registration? That form is available at
Proceeds go toward Uptown Plain City Organization’s efforts in supporting local businesses and improving the Historic District. Have a question? Please call Shannon at 614-578-9726.
For more information, go HERE.