Archive for September, 2015
Plain City Fall Festival is Saturday, October 3.
To raise money for the 2016 July 4th Plain City Fireworks display, a group of Plain City residents are once again banding together to host the 3rd Annual Plain City Fall Festival on Saturday, October 3, in Pastime Park from 10 am to 5 pm. The public entrance will be at the north entrance of Pastime Park with all attendees asked to make a goodwill donation.
Check out all the great events that are planned for a full fall day!
Plain City native Arnett Howard will be featured on the main stage from 11:00 am-12:30 pm.
According to the Fall Festival Facebook page, Arnett was “raised in Plain City and a graduate of Jonathan Alder. Arnett is one of the best-known and best-loved musicians in the Columbus area. He performs as a band leader, trumpet soloist, vocalist, pianist, story teller, and stand up comic. His reputation makes him an official ambassador for Columbus, as he travels and performs around the country and the world. His concerts combine history lessons, audience participation, creativity, and inspiration as he moves from one selection to the next. His repertoire includes New Orleans Dixieland, Motown, Memphis Blues, creole and Cajun dance music, classic riverboat songs, and contemporary pop and jazz standards.”
Arrive at 10 am for the Opening Ceremonies at the flag pole at the Park Office and enjoy wandering through beautiful Pastime Park. Then make your way to the main stage seating area and enjoy Arnett Howard and his band. Bring chairs or blankets and make it a day!
The Pleasant Valley Fire District has challenged the Jerome Township Fire Department to a chili cook off at noon. Stop by the Lions Club Stand to determine who is Chili King!
At 2 pm, Dublin Irish Dancers will display their talents and dance their way into your hearts.
There will be a gun raffle for a Glock 42. Only 250 tickets will be sold. Tickets are $5 each or 6 tickets for $25. For more info on the gun raffle, go HERE.
There will also be tons of antiques, arts and crafts, flea market and food vendors, and direct sales representatives.
You can also go on a hayride, get your face painted, and allow the kids to romp all day long!
For more information, you can visit the Plain City Fall Festival web site HERE.
LIKE them on Facebook and get all the updates on activities HERE.
Eating Well–Food for Thought. By Our September Student Pharmacist, Kevin Lanning.
Eating well provides many health benefits we have all heard time after time. Achieving a healthy diet can lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar and cholesterol, and reduce weight. However, many still do not know how to eat a well-balanced plate. Smalls changes in diet can have a significant effect on health.
We all know about the food pyramid we were taught as children in school. This iconic diagram was revised recently with a new design called MyPlate (picture below) with the intention of making a healthy diet easier to understand.
MyPlate consists of five food groups that are the building blocks for a healthy diet–similar to the food pyramid. Think about what goes on your plate or in your bowl any time you make a meal. The food plate includes fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. An ideal plate should have each of these.
Let’s first talk about the vegetable portion of the plate since it is probably everyone’s least favorite. Anytime you make a meal, you should always try to incorporate at least one vegetable. With all the different vegetable options, everyone should be able to find one veggie they like.
Some veggies are healthier than others. For example, peas and corn are very starchy vegetables and are high in sugar. These are ones you should try to avoid as your vegetables. Dark green, red, or orange vegetables are good options. If your current diet consists of a few vegetables weekly, make a goal to eat at least one veggie a day and work your way up. A good goal is around three cups daily for adults.
Fruit is another important area of the plate. On average, most adults should be getting around two cups of fruit daily. Like vegetables, we should try and incorporate some type of fruit with each meal. Fruit is also another great option for a snack instead of eating a candy bar or drinking soda. Some fruits also have much more sugar than other fruits. Some fruits with lower sugar, for example, include grapefruits, kiwi, grapes, and berries.
Let’s discuss the last parts of the MyPlate meal diagram. Most of our calories come from grains due to their high amounts of carbohydrates which turn into sugar. Grains include things like bread and pasta. The main thing to watch for with grains is portion control and not eating too much. In general, grains should make up one quarter of your plate. Guidelines state we should, on average, only have three to four ounce equivalents daily of grains. One slice of bread, one cup of cereal, a half cup of cooked rice, or a half cup of cooked pasta is considered a one ounce equivalent.
Proteins should also make up one quarter of your plate for each meal.
It is also important to incorporate dairy into meals. The daily recommendation is three cups of dairy daily, which could include milk, yogurt, or cheeses.
Having a well-balanced diet can make you feel better and also provide you with more energy.
For more information about MyPlate and nutritional facts, visit the website at
Eat healthy and stay well!
Lovejoy’s Ad for September 28 to October 4.
Take a look at the Lovejoy’s ad for September 28 to October 4.
Did you know that Senior Citizens get an extra 10 percent discount every Wednesday? Stop in and get great sale prices and an extra discount just for being an “oldie and goodie”!
Check out all the great 10 for $10 items. Buy one or ten. They are all only $1 each. There are hundreds of 10 for $10 items in the store.
Like Lovejoy’s on Facebook by going HERE.
For more information on Lovejoy’s IGA, visit their web site HERE.
Remember, we hope you will shop locally and support locally owned businesses here in our community!
Click on each of the pages of the ad to enlarge them. When they show up on a separate page, click again to make the pages even bigger. You can also print them out and take them with you when you go shopping!
Music in the Park Features Aladdin Shrine Concert Band on Sunday, September 27 at 6 pm.
Plain City’s Music in the Park ends the season with this wonderful final Free concert featuring the Aladdin Shrine Concert Band on Sunday, September 27 at 6 pm.
Bring a lawn chair or blanket and meet in the Gazebo area of the park. You can make a voluntary donation to the Plain City Music in the Park program at intermission.
For more information, go to:
October 4, Sunday, 7 pm, Rain date for performances cancelled previously due to the weather.
For more information, call Frank Reed, 614-561-7311 or email
Prescription “Take-Back” Day is Saturday, September 26.
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will take place on Saturday, September 26 from 10 am to 2 pm. During this yearly event, you can turn in old or no longer used medicines for proper disposal. We know that many of you may have medications that have expired or that you don’t take any more and this is a perfect way to make sure they are destroyed so that no one gets hurt.
To find out more about the Take-Back Day, visit the web site HERE.
To find a disposal location near you, go HERE and put in your zip code or county and city.
In Union County, you can turn in unused and expired medications at these sites:
Union County Sheriff’s Office
221 West 5th Street, Marysville, OH 43040 (Please enter the sally port from the south off of 6th St. Signs will be posted).
Pleasant Valley Fire Department
650 West Main Street, Plain City, OH 43064 (Please enter the rear of the bays).
Richwood Police Department
153 North Franklin Street, Richwood, OH 43344 (Please enter the sally port entrance)