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Happy Birthday on November 2 to Our Dad, Bob, Our Aunt Bonnie, and Our Little Cousin, Lucy.


We want to wish a very happy birthday on Monday, November 2 to our dad, Bob Timmons, our Aunt Bonnie Winters in New Mexico, and our little cousin, Lucy Blanton, who is celebrating her very first birthday this year (she spent her first year in Alaska and just arrived in Ohio)!

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Imagine our surprise last year when Lucy Mae was born on November 2, Dad’s 70th birthday.

As Lucy turns 1 and Dad turns 71, we want to wish them both ONE spectacular birthday for TWO very beloved people.

We also want to wish Aunt Bonnie a lovely day as she turns 70 today! How did three such super people end up sharing one special day?

10461973_10102776424604845_7547973362594342169_nThe beautiful photo of Miss Lucy was taken by Relic Photographic in Wasilla, Alaska. You can visit their web page HERE and LIKE them on Facebook HERE.


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