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Improving Access to Epinephrine Auto-Injectors. By Our March Student Pharmacist, Deanna Clause.

In the summer of 2016, local and national media highlighted the problems with the current lack of drug pricing transparency with Mylan’s EpiPen® auto-injector prices rising hundreds of dollars. Epinephrine is the generic drug name for the brand EpiPen® and would deliver the same life-saving drug needed in case of a severe allergic reaction.

As a result of this controversy, Representative Derek Merrin joined over 240 pharmacy students, faculty members, and pharmacist volunteers to announce the introduction of new legislation under House Bill 101, which aims to improve access to epinephrine auto-injectors.

HB 101 tackles this issue in two ways:

First off, HB 101 would allow pharmacists to substitute generic epinephrine auto-injectors for prescriptions written for brand EpiPen® as long as the patient agreed to this substitution. This change would prevent the current hurdles of having to contact the doctor to replace the prescription to the generic alternative since they are not considered substitutable under current law.

The second part of HB 101 would allow pharmacists to dispense epinephrine auto-injectors to those 18 years and older under a physician-approved protocol without requiring a prescription. This protocol process outlines the specific requirements that must be met for pharmacists to be able to dispense epinephrine auto-injectors without a prescription. This type of protocol process is currently available for naloxone for the reversal of opioid overdose. It is also available for all CDC-recommended vaccines so that pharmacists are equipped to fill gaps in care within the community.

With HB 101, hopefully more patients will have access to this vital medication in cases of severe allergic reactions while also facilitating better competition within the epinephrine auto-injector marketplace.



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