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Free Tire Collections on October 17 from Noon to 3 pm at the Richwood Fairgrounds.

The Union County Health Department is hosting a free community tire collection event on Saturday, October 17 at the Richwood Fairgrounds1 Gill Street in Richwood, from noon-3 pm (will end earlier if trucks are full).
The collection is free and funded through a grant awarded to the Union County Health Department by the Ohio EPA. There is a 10 tire limit per load. The event is intended for residents to dispose of personal unwanted tires. This event should not be used by businesses for commercial tire disposal. Passenger tires (like car, truck, van and SUV) off-rim will be accepted. No large semi or tractor tires can be accepted.
If you know of someone who would be interested in volunteering to help unload tires the day of the event, please contact Jennifer Thrush at jennifer.thrus@uchd.net or 937-645-2047.
flyer tire day
Tire Collection

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