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What to Know About the Safety of the COVID-19 Vaccine. By Our Student Pharmacist, Sam Berens.


Safety of the COVID-19 vaccine has been an issue for many people. While I understand the fear, clinical trials were conducted that help evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Many thousands of study participants of varying demographics went through the trial to approve the COVID-19 vaccine. Even after the vaccine went public, there are vaccine safety monitoring systems that help watch for side effects, and if there is an unexpected side effect seen, experts quickly study it to find out if it is an actual safety concern. The constant monitoring is there to ensure that the benefits of the vaccine continue to outweigh risks for the public.

There is also a new smartphone application called v-safe that helps to provide health check-ins after you receive the COVID-19 vaccination. This application allows you to quickly tell the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) if you have any side effects after getting the vaccine and depending on your answers, the CDC will promptly call you to get more information to keep you safe. V-safe also helps to remind you to get your second vaccine.

Reports have noted that some people have experienced allergic reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine. These reactions will likely not happen to most people and you will be asked multiple questions about allergic reactions to vaccine-related substances before receiving the vaccine to help rule out potential reactions.

Vaccine image

If you do have an allergic reaction, there will be medical professionals with you to provide rapid medical care. Those who receive the vaccine will be monitored for at least 15 minutes and those who have had an immediate allergic reaction to a vaccine in the past will be monitored for at least 30 minutes to assure the safety of everyone.

There are also reports of several common side effects after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. None of these side effects are a concern to your health and safety. On the arm where you got the shot, there could be some pain and/or swelling near the injection site. To reduce pain and discomfort if this does happen to you, talk to us about using an over-the-counter pain reliever. It is also advised to apply a clean, cool, wet washcloth over the area and/or exercise the arm.

Other side effects that could occur include:

  • fever
  • tiredness
  • headache

If you experience these side effects, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.  These side effects should go within a few days if they do happen, so there is no need to worry.

Overall, the COVID-19 vaccine should not cause you any more stress than your recommended annual flu shot. We are here to provide you optimal healthcare and encourage everyone to get the vaccine.

And remember, we need about 70-80% of the population to receive the vaccine in order to protect those that can not or choose not to receive the vaccine, so we hope you will do your part to protect our community.

References: CDC.gov

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