Archive for August, 2021
The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles’ Next of Kin Program. By Our Student Pharmacist, Patrick Wang.
In 2007, Linda Wuestenberg’s son, Steven, was involved in a car accident and died from his injuries. Linda was not notified of his death until eight hours later due to police being unable to find her contact information.
Similarly, Carmela A. Wiant’s son, David, also died as a result of a car accident, but was only informed of this three hours later by the hospital chaplain for the same reason.
One of the most heartbreaking ways to lose a loved one is to find out hours after the event due to police and/or hospital staff not having access to a direct family member or loved one’s contact information. That’s why Linda and Carmela took their experiences and worked with state legislators, as well as the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV), to initiate the Ohio Next of Kin (NOK) program.
The Ohio Next of Kin program allows Ohioans with a driver license, temporary permit, or state ID to add emergency contact information to their Ohio driver’s license/ID record at no cost. By having this information readily available, law enforcement can quickly locate and/or contact family members should there be any sort of accident or emergency.
Some of the features of this program include:
- No fee to add this contact information to driver license/permit/ID record.
- Contact information will be stored in a secure database accessible only by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and law enforcement.
- For Ohioans 18 and over, the contact person can be a relative, friend, or co-worker.
- For Ohioans under 18, a parent or legal guardian is required to be the primary contact.
- Contact person(s) can share your up-to-date medical information with medical professionals providing medical treatment with your approval if you are unable to communicate for any reason.
- Two emergency contacts can be added to the registry for children under the age of 15 with an ID to be used by law enforcement in the event the child becomes lost or is reported missing.
- You can also list members of the military as emergency contacts, with their Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses accepted.
If you or a loved one would like to take advantage of this free service, you can submit information:
- Online at
- In person at any local Deputy Registrar
- Via mail to: Bureau of Motor Vehicles Verification Services Document Management P.O. Box 16520 Columbus, OH 43216-6520 (printable brochure with form found at:
Once your information is submitted, you are also able to change or remove this information at any time using one of the above methods.
For more information feel free to visit the Ohio Department of Public Safety website at:
18th Annual Plain City Cruise In is Saturday, August 28 from 2-6 pm.
On August 28, 2021, from 2-6 pm, the Uptown Plain City Organization (UPCO) with the support of Chapman Ford plans to present the 18th Annual Plain City Cruise In!
The event is planned to take place rain or shine in Uptown Plain City on the corner of Main and Chillicothe Streets (123 North Chillicothe Street) and is slated to feature cars, trucks, and motorcycles of all makes, models and years with current entries including vehicles such as a ’67 Skylark.
Other amenities include vendors, food trucks, a beer and wine garden, live music with a DJ, and award raffles!
If you or someone you know would like to participate in this event, vehicle registrations cost $10 in advance (link below) and $15 on the day of the event between 2-4 pm.
Registration to be a food or merchandise vendor is also available.
For food vendors, the cost is $60 for each 10’ x 20’ space and for merchandise vendors it is $20 for each 10’ x 10’ space. All proceeds help to benefit UPCO. No electricity will be provided.
Spectators are free, so even if you aren’t going to participate in the show, feel free to bring your friends and family to enjoy the fun and atmosphere!
There is public parking that can be accessed via Bigelow and South Chillicothe for the south side and just south of East First and North Chillicothe for the north side, as well as street parking outside of the show area.
To register online:
For more information or further updates, follow the Facebook page at:
The Delta Variant? And What About the Booster Shot? By Our Student Pharmacist, James Wilson.
Have you been having questions about what the delta variant of COVID-19 is and how that may affect your need for a booster shot?
Hopefully I can answer some of your questions in this post.
What are Variants of a Virus?
As viruses spread, they change and mutate over time. These changes in the virus are seen on what are called spiked proteins that exist on the outside of the virus. Many variants can pop-up from a virus; some appear and quickly go away while others may persist for a long time.
The original variant of COVID-19 during the early parts of 2020 is no longer being spread. The alpha variant replaced the original variant as the predominant one near mid to late 2020. Now the delta variant has replaced the alpha variant as the predominant variant.
The delta variant has been found to be two times as contagious as the previous alpha variant and data suggests that it can cause higher rates of severe cases needing hospitalization.
Do the Vaccines Protect Against the Delta Variant?
The current vaccines have been shown to be effective in preventing infections caused by the delta variant as well as preventing serious cases that can lead to hospitalization or death. However, the vaccines are not 100% effective.
The delta variant can cause a breakthrough infection in fully vaccinated individuals.
Do I Need to Get the Booster Shot?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended a booster shot for immunocompromised patients who had received an mRNA vaccine, Pfizer and Moderna.
The recommendation was for moderately to severe immunocompromised patients and includes:
- Patients receiving cancer treatment.
- Patients who received an organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressants.
- Patients who received a stem cell transplant in the last two years.
- Advanced or untreated HIV.
- Active treatment with a high dose corticosteroid.
Just recently on 08/18/2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) started plans to provide booster shots to everyone who has received either Pfizer or Moderna. They noted that both vaccines still protect against severe cases, but there has been a decline in efficacy against mild to moderate cases. The decision to approve a booster shot is in anticipation that efficacy against severe cases may start to decline in the coming months; note that efficacy of all vaccines diminish over time. HHS is prepared to supply booster shots to all Americans the week of September 20 and individuals can get theirs eight months after their second dose.
Currently, there is no recommendation of a booster shot for Janssen. However, this could change as more and more data on efficacy comes in over the next few weeks.
I hope this helped clear up some questions you may have had about the latest news on COVID-19. If you have any more questions that need answered, please stop by or call Plain City Druggist and we will be more than happy to answer them for you.
- What You Need to Know about Variants. Accessed 08/16/2020
- COVID-19 Vaccines for Moderately to Severely Immunocompromised People. Accessed 08/16/2020
- Joint Statement from HHS Public Health and Medical Experts on COVID-19 Booster Shots. Accessed 08/18/2020
Lyme Disease. By Our Student Pharmacist, Patrick Wang.
Tick season is currently at its peak and with it comes a growing concern with contracting Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is an infection caused by a bacteria that is most commonly transmitted through the bite of an infected black-legged tick. Both adolescent ticks, known as nymphs, as well as adult ticks can transmit this bacteria to humans.
This tick finds its home mainly in wooded environments throughout Ohio, so individuals who spend large amounts of time in these areas are advised to have increased caution. Individuals of all age groups are at risk of Lyme disease infection, but boys between the ages of 10-14 and girls between the ages of 5-9 are of particularly high risk.
The characterizing symptom of Lyme disease (about 66% of cases) is a “bull’s eye” rash, which typically appears 7-14 days after the initial infected bite. This rash may be warm, but often is not associated with pain or itching.
Other symptoms include headache, fever, and chills which may appear anywhere between 3-30 days after the initial infected bite.
Lyme disease can only be formally diagnosed by a doctor after the appropriate blood tests are done, so if you experience any of these symptoms and suspect that you have potentially been exposed to black-legged ticks, it is recommended to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Lyme disease is curable through the use of antibiotics, but it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible in order to avoid any further health complications such as neurologic Lyme disease, Lyme carditis, and Lyme arthritis.
Preventative measures include:
- avoiding tick habitats
- using insect repellent that is labeled for use against ticks
- removing ticks promptly
- wearing long-sleeved clothes
Removing ticks:
To remove a tick, simply use a pair of fine tweezers to grab the tick as close to the skin surface as possible. Pull away from your skin with a steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this could cause the mouth to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, attempt to pull it out using tweezers, otherwise just leave it alone and let the skin heal if you’re unable to do so.
Never crush a tick with your fingers. Instead, place live ticks in alcohol, a sealed container, or flush it down the toilet.
Wash your hands and the bite area with soap and water. “Folk” remedies such as petroleum jelly and lighting a match have been shown to not work and so are not advised methods to use.
For more information feel free to visit the Ohio Department of Health’s website at:
Photo References:
Ride the Sixth Annual Union County Foundation Covered Bridges Cycling Tour on Saturday, September 4.
Take a bike ride on the beautiful back roads of Union County with the Sixth Annual Union County Foundation’s Covered Bridges Tour on Saturday, September 4.
Ride 19, 31, 61, or 74 mile routes. Those who opt for the 31, 61, and 74 mile routes will visit four of Union County’s historic covered bridges. The 19 mile ride includes one of the covered bridges. All proceeds benefit the Union County Foundation.
The event will start at Edgewood Elementary School, 203 Grove Street in Marysville. Registration the day of the event will begin at 7:30 am. All riders are required to wear helmets and children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Pre-registration is through August 23. Registration is $20 per bike rider (if you register in advance). Registration the day of the ride is $25. The first 100 registrants will receive the official UCF Covered Bridges tour patch.
You can print off the registration form by clicking on it to enlarge below. Or register online HERE.
Mail your registration form to: Union County Foundation, PO Box 608, Marysville, OH 43040
For additional information, visit the Union County Foundation’s web site HERE.