Posts Tagged ‘Betty Raley’
Happy Birthday on November 2 to Three Super People!
November 2 seems to be a day for wonderful people to be born.The first of those people is our dad, Bob Timmons.
Dad seems to always have a list that Joe has given him of things to do. Instead of a “honey do” list, he carries the “daddy do” list with him. We don’t know what we’d “do” without him, though. He takes care of everything we don’t have the time or skills to do! We love him for that.
The next person we have to celebrate is our Aunt Bonnie Winters, who is Joe’s dad’s sister. Aunt Bonnie, who lives in New Mexico, is pictured here with her daughter, our cousin, April. Aunt Bonnie is one of the kindest people we know and she truly deserves a year of blessings.
Our final person, who is celebrating her birthday on November 2, can call both Dad and Aunt Bonnie little “whipper snappers.” That is because Betty Raley is 90 years old!
This photo of Joe and Betty is from December of 2000 when Betty was only a young 80! This picture was taken when Betty was chosen as our “customer of the month,” and we took her out to lunch with us and Paul Carpenter (who was her next door neighbor and good friend).
Betty is currently staying at The Gables at Green Pastures. If you would like to send her a birthday message, you can mail a card to: The Gables at Green Pastures, Attn: Betty Raley, Room 100 A, 390 Gables Drive, Marysville, Ohio 43040
Please do send Betty a card or stop by to see her!!! We know it would bring a big smile to her face to see or hear from Plain City folks.
Happy Birthday to some of our favorite people who just happen to share a birthday. We love you and wish you much happiness.