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Posts Tagged ‘Customer of the Month’

Our June Customer of the Month: Anna McCoy

We decided that we would start a new feature here on the blog to honor some of our customers who we are so proud to know (and, frankly, love like family). We got the idea yesterday when Anna McCoy came in the pharmacy after a long absence. Anna has supported the pharmacy from the very beginning and has never stopped getting her medicines with us. However, health problems have kept her from being able to physically come in the store without someone bringing her. Barb came and found me and said we had to get a photo of Anna, because she had not been in for quite some time and she was so glad to see Anna. 

Anna very kindly agreed to pose with Joe. We want to congratulate Anna for being our June Customer of the Month and our very first Customer of the Month. We could not do what we do without our super customers.