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Posts Tagged ‘Sam Steele’

Please Welcome Our Student Pharmacist, Sam Steele, for the Month of November from The Ohio State University.


This month, we are joined at Plain City Druggist by Sam Steele a fourth-year pharmacy student from The Ohio State University’s College of Pharmacy.

Sam will graduate in May 2024 with her PharmD degree and will then take the test to become a registered pharmacist. Sam will be with Tayler and the gang here in Plain City throughout November, so please stop by and meet her while she is here.

Here is what Sam tells us about herself:

Hello! My name is Sam Steele and I’m excited to be here at Plain City Druggist this month. I am originally from New York; however, I have lived in Ohio since 2016 when I came to Ohio State to complete my BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences. After completion of my bachelor’s degree, I continued on to pharmacy school with plans to graduate this spring with my PharmD and MS specializing in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Trial Design.

I have always enjoyed chemistry and biology, and I am fascinated by the human body and the science behind disease processes and how medications can work to alter them. I decided to pursue a career as a pharmacist in high school when I learned about the diverse range of career pathways pharmacists have to choose from. Whether in a community setting, in the pharmaceutical industry, or as a pharmacist in a hospital, I knew I would have many doors open to me.

My career interests lie in hospital pharmacy, and I have been a pharmacy intern at OSU Wexner Medical Center these past few years. I am currently in the process of applying for hospital residency programs with hopes to become a hematology/oncology specialist. I am also interested in research and have been able to work on a few projects at the medical center, with hopes for more opportunities during residency.