Posts Tagged ‘Something Old’
“Something Blue” is Book Three in the Plain City Bridemaids Series.
Just this week, I received my copy of Dianne Christner’s new book, Something Blue, in the mail. The official launch date is August 1, so I always feel a guilty pleasure about reading a book that is not available yet to the rest of the world. I have to thank Dianne for affording me this lovely luxury!
Something Blue follows the story of Megan Weaver, the third member of the “Three Bean Salad” who we were introduced to with her friends Katy Yoder and Lil Landis in Something Old and Something New, the first two books in the Plain City Bridesmaids series.
These stories are lovely romances that invite readers into a world of faith and family and a view of falling in love “the Mennonite way.” Set here in Plain City, the books feature many landmarks recognizable to anyone who has journeyed our highways and back roads (Something Blue even includes the July Fourth parade downtown!). The books also bring to life many characters that Plain City residents will find familiar, even if they were not raised in the Mennonite church.
The stories’ appeal, however, beyond the setting and the interesting lead ladies, lies in the common struggles each young woman faces to find love and happiness–battles that all of us encounter regardless of our faith or background.
Megan Weaver’s struggle is presented in the choice she must make between two men in her life–the new interim pastor of Big Darby Conservative Mennonite Church, Micah Zimmerman, who she has an unsettling past with, or the non-Mennonite missionary pilot, Chance Campbell, who acts as her temporary boss at Char Air, the charity airlines she works for. With Micah, Megan will stay within the bounds of her Mennonite family and church. With Chance, she will fly off on new adventures well beyond the Mennonite world.
I think it is telling that Dianne chooses the names she does for the two men: Micah means “one who is like God,” while Chance definitely is a big chance, a leap into the unknown.
I am happy to now know the stories of all three of Dianne’s Plain City bridesmaids. I can’t wait to see where Dianne’s writing will go from here. Will she stay in Plain City, Ohio, following the characters we have grown to love? Or will she lead us on other magical journeys to places a bit farther from home?
In any case, I’ll be waiting for her next book–no matter where it takes me.
You can read the review I wrote about the second book in the series, Something New HERE.
And “Like” Dianne and The Plain City Bridesmaids series on Facebook HERE.
Author, Dianne Christner, Will Be at a Book Signing Event at Der Dutchman on April 21!
Dianne Christner, author of the Plain City Bridesmaids series that is set here in Plain City, will be stopping in Plain City to promote the series’ first two books, Something Old and Something New. She will be available to sign books from 5 pm to 7:30 pm on Saturday, April 21, at Der Dutchman Restaurant and Carlisle Gifts.
The third book in the series, Something Blue, will be available in August.
You can read the blog postings I did previously about Something Old and Something New.
I have to thank Dianne who kindly sent me an advance copy of Something New for my reading delight after I reviewed the first book in the series here on this blog and we emailed back and forth. With the book was a very nice note from Shalyn Sattler, a representative from the publisher, Barbour Publishing. The letter said, “You are receiving this gift in appreciation for something you’ve done to enrich Dianne’s life, whether it was kindness, inspiration or simply the pleasure of knowing you.”
What a lovely thing to say!
I hope to stop by on Saturday to meet Dianne in person and have her sign the copy of the book she had sent to me. If you don’t have the first two books in the series, please visit Dianne on the twenty-first and purchase copies for her to autograph. Then prepare to slip into stories featuring people and situations that you’ll find very familiar from living in our little village. You’ll keep turning the pages as the characters become friends, weaving their way through places in Plain City that you’ll recognize as home.
“Something Old” by Dianne Christner is the First in the “Plain City Bridesmaids” Series.
Something Old, the first book in a new series by romance writer, Dianne Christner, is set in Plain City, Ohio. Yes, right here in our little home town.
The series is called the “Plain City Bridesmaids” and features Mennonite characters and a love story which is set against a Mennonite background. The tag line for the series is: “Fall in Love the Mennonite Way.”
Christner, who currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona, was raised Mennonite and uses her memories of her former way of life to make her stories ring true.
Something Old will be released on August 1. The second book in the series, Something New, will be released in February 2012, followed by Something Blue in August 2012.
To find out more about Dianne Christner, visit her web site HERE or her blog HERE.
You can also read about the series on the Plain City Bridesmaids Facebook page HERE.
The Plain City Public Library will, of course, have a copy of Something Old available for interested readers as soon as it is released.