Archive for September, 2010
Garrison Keillor, of “A Prairie Home Companion,” is a Gracious Host.
One of the things Joe and I had always wanted to do, and finally achieved this past week, was to visit St. Paul, Minnesota and The Fitzgerald Theater during a taping of the radio show A Prairie Home Companion, featuring Garrison Keillor. For those of you who have never heard the show, you can listen locally on 90.5, WCBE, on Saturdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 10 am. Joe and I have listened for many years to the Sunday morning broadcasts, often while we were eating breakfast at home or in the car on our way to breakfast.
A Prairie Home Companion follows the formula of old time radio shows (there was also a movie in 2006 about the show that featured Meryl Streep, Lindsay Lohan, and a variety of other celebrities). There are musical guests, skits, and stories, all introduced and participated in by the host, Garrison Keillor. Keillor sings, jokes, and in his soft voice weaves magical tales about his home of Lake Wobegon, where “all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average” (we found this quote embellished on a door mat a few years ago and gave it to a friend, who believed it perfectly described his family). Keillor has also penned many, many books about the famous, but non-existent Lake Wobegon.
With the opening of A Prairie Home Companion’s 2010 season, Keillor and his compadres at The Fitzgerald Theater offered a package deal for “out of towners.” The package, which also celebrated F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 114th birthday, featured a tour of many Fitzgerald sites (F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in Minnesota and spent many years prior to the publication of “This Side of Paradise” in St. Paul), tickets to a taping of the radio show, and brunch on Sunday morning with Garrison Keillor.
There were whispers that the brunch on Sunday morning was actually going to be at Garrison Keillor’s house.
“No,” I scoffed. “Why would he let two hundred and fifty strangers into his home?”
On our tour of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s childhood residences, our bus ventured among the lovely homes lining Summit Avenue. These giant, historical masterpieces are architectural jewels. With a bit of internet research, Joe and I discovered that Garrison Keillor also lives in this grand neighborhood.
Imagine our surprise when, on Sunday morning, our tour bus drove us back to Summit Avenue and parked in front of a gorgeous yellow and white Georgian style home–the home of Garrison Keillor. Keillor, in his traditional radio broadcast attire–a suit jacket and red sneakers–was in the driveway welcoming everyone and inviting them through the open wrought iron gates. There were tents set up on the lawn and I thought, at first, that we would be eating breakfast there on the grass in the early morning air. But, no. With a graciousness and hospitality I have never encountered before, Garrison Keillor opened his entire home up to those of us who had come for brunch. Nothing was off limits. People trooped through the kitchen, the dining room, and even (egads, the writer in me cried out), Keillor’s office and study–the shrine where he had written all those bestsellers.
Joe and I perched on the steps of the back patio, looking out over a gorgeous view of St. Paul, eating our brunch of vegetarian quiche, fruit, and scones, still in shock that we were in a famous author’s home. Later, I crept inside the house, thinking how I would feel if hundreds of adoring fans were swarming among my books and private spaces. I saw people taking pictures of Garrison Keillor’s family photos; some played his piano; others used the bathroom. I stayed inside for only a few moments, before escaping back outside. I felt I was intruding.
Unbeknownst to Joe, while loitering on the lawn, he spoke with Garrison’s son (someone later informed Joe who exactly he had been conversing with). Joe told the man how kind it was of Garrison Keillor to open his home to us. Joe asked if that was due to Minnesota hospitality–people in Minnesota are famous for being “nice.”
“No,” said Garrison’s son, Jason, “This is just a Garrison thing.”
For three hours, Garrison Keillor stood in his driveway and spoke to everyone who wanted his attention. He did not limit their time with him. He did not shoo them away if they rambled in their conversation. He signed books and posed for photos and remained patient and charming. He treated each person as if they were his greatest fan.
Joe and I did not get in line to have our photo taken with Garrison Keillor. I was a bit star struck, unsure what I would say. The closest we came was the photo you see at the beginning of this post–Joe by the gate with Garrison Keillor in the background.
I want to thank Garrison Keillor for opening his home to us and treating hundreds of fans as if we were family, returning to Lake Wobegon for a delightful reunion.
I will always fondly recall this visit to Minnesota (even though many of the people we encountered in Minnesota could not believe we had taken a vacation there). And since we were also celebrating F. Scott Fitzgerald, I must cite my favorite, though oft quoted, line from The Great Gatsby about remembering times long gone: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
I am sure my memories will carry me back often to these lovely September days wandering among the dwellings that housed Minnesota’s silver-tongued playboys.
The Orchard and Company Opens This Weekend for a Fall Festival.
We are sure that most of you have noticed all the building going on across from Canaan Middle School on Route 42. A lot of people have asked us about it. What is it? Who owns it? When is it (whatever “it” is) going to open? We can finally give some answers.
The Orchard and Company is a family friendly destination that was dreamt up by Ron Winn several years ago and has finally reached fruition. The Orchard and Company features, not only an apple orchard, but many exciting activities meant to entice visitors from Plain City and across the state.
The Orchard and Company will open this coming weekend, October 2 and 3, from 11 am to 6 pm. They will continue to be open Saturdays and Sundays the entire month of October.
The Orchard and Company is hosting “Scarecrows for Charity” the entire month of October. Scarecrows created by local church youth groups will be on display throughout The Orchard. You can vote on your favorite after viewing them on a scenic hayride. The winning scarecrow’s creators will receive a portion of the proceeds from the hayride fees.
Besides this event, The Orchard also features a gift shop, bakery, “Pigadeli Cafe,” and tons of fun things for children. There is a pedal car track, tire climb, jumping pillow, and much, much more. If your kids aren’t tired after a day at The Orchard, they must be robots.
To check out the cool new web site for The Orchard, go to: The Orchard and Company web site
When you visit the web site, you can also take a look at their new commercial.
Additionally, become a fan on Facebook: The Orchard and Company on Facebook
Now that you know what all the commotion is about, please stop out and visit The Orchard and Company this weekend. The Orchard and Company is located at 7255 US Highway 42 North.
Happy Fall, Y’All!
Fall is our favorite season of the year, so we just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a Happy Fall. Joe always says that the best things happen as autumn arrives.
One of those things was the drugstore.
Fall was the time of year when we opened Plain City Druggist.
At the end of October, the pharmacy will celebrate 11 years in Plain City. We could not do it without you. Thank you.
Dublin’s Bicentennial Celebration, Heritage Day, on Saturday, October 2.
I had an email about the Dublin Bicentennial Celebration from Bernie Vance at the Plain City Historical Society. The Heritage Day event, which is free, is being sponsored by the Dublin Historical Society and will feature educational, living history and family activities. This will appeal to all history lovers, but especially to history teachers and elementary students.
Here is the info on Heritage Day:
“Step Back in Time at Heritage Day – Dublin’s Bicentennial Celebration
“In celebration of Dublin’s Bicentennial, the Dublin Historical Society will present ‘Heritage Day’ on Saturday, Oct. 2 from 12-6 p.m. at Coffman Park and Homestead, 5300 Emerald Pkwy. Admission is free. The event will open with bagpipers calling visitors to the city’s time capsule dedication ceremony. Visitors will experience village life from the 1800s and early 1900s through a variety of games and activities, including blacksmith shop; rag-doll making and hand-made ice cream. Dublin Chamber Ambassadors will oversee tug of war and sack races.
“Other features include horse-drawn buggy rides; performances by the newly revived Dublin Cornet Band; presentations about Wyandot Chief Leatherlips, Johnny Appleseed and native wildlife; re-enactment of a one-room school; farm equipment displays; vintage dancing; and tours of the historic Coffman House and Barn. The Washington Township Fire Dept. will demonstrate fighting fires of the past with a bucket brigade, and the USPS will be on hand for unique Bicentennial stamp cancellations. Food and beverages will be available for purchase.
“Volunteers needed!
Contact Christine Nardecchia at the Dublin Municipal Offices, 614-410-4400.
“Heritage Day on the Web
For more information, visit
If you are a Facebook user, you can “friend” Dublin Heritage Day on Facebook.”
What’s the Goal of Sports Injury Treatment? By Jimmy Byun, the Master of Sports Disasters!
The main goal for the treatment of sports injuries, which include bruises, strains, and tears, is to prevent and reduce swelling. When you injure soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, or tendons, they swell. You can also possibly have internal bleeding. The swelling causes pain and limits muscle movements.
The primary treatment for soft tissue injuries is defined by the acronym R.I.C.E.
R.I.C.E. stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
Let’s talk more about the R.I.C.E. Treatment:
- Rest: When an injury happens, stop your activities right away and rest. There are two reasons why rest is important. First, rest protects the soft tissues from further injury. Second, your body needs to rest so it has the energy necessary to heal most effectively.
- Ice: Cold provides short-term pain relief and also reduces swelling by decreasing blood flow to the injured area. Use ice bags, cold packs, or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a thin towel to provide cold to the injured area. Remember to apply ice for 15 minutes and then leave the ice off for at least 20 minutes to avoid damaging your skin.
- Compression: Compression helps reduce swelling and pain. An easy way to do compression is to wrap a non-stick bandage such as an ACE bandage around the swollen part. If you feel throbbing or severe tightness from the bandage, remove the bandage and re-wrap the area so the bandage is a little more loose.
- Elevation: Elevating an injury also reduces swelling by decreasing blood flow to the injured area. Raise the injured area above the level of the heart. For instance, if you injure an ankle, try lying on your bed with your foot placed on one or two pillows.
What do I do after the R.I.C.E Treatment?
Heat can be helpful in promoting healing once swelling and bleeding have stopped. Using heat early on is not recommended because heat worsens swelling.
Do gentle stretching once all swelling has subsided. Try to work the entire range of motion of the injured joint or muscle. Be careful not to go overboard with it and re-injure the area. Keep in mind that a stretch should never cause pain.
After a day or two of R.I.C.E., most sprains, strains, or other injuries should start to heal. If your pain or swelling does not decrease after 48 hours, talk to your doctor or other healthcare providers for help.