Archive for November, 2019
Small Business Saturday is November 30!
There are 30.2 million small businesses in America, defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy as a firm with fewer than 500 employees. This number does not seem so small to most people and that can be verified by the fact than 99.7% of businesses in America fall into that category. But when we look closer, we see the true essence of what we believe small businesses are. Businesses that employ fewer than 100 workers accounted for 98.2% of businesses in America. Even further, businesses with fewer than 20 workers made up 89% of businesses in America.
Small businesses are responsible for the bulk of new job creation over the last 25 years! From 1993 to 2016, 61.8% of new jobs were created within small businesses. In 2015 alone, 1.9 million new jobs were created by small businesses with the majority (1.1 million) coming from businesses that employ fewer than 20 employees.
Unfortunately, despite the impact that small businesses can make on a community, only about half of small businesses survive beyond 5 years and only one-third survive beyond 10 years or longer. This is especially striking when you consider that small businesses employ 58.9 million people, around 47.5% of the country’s total workforce.
Taking all these things into account, we hope that you can see how essential your support for small businesses is for the success of the country. Small businesses truly are the backbone of our economy.
When you break down the data, you can see why it is essential for America to support its small businesses and this Saturday, November 30, is a great opportunity to do so; it is Small Business Saturday.
Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held the Saturday after Thanksgiving every year in support of small businesses. It was first observed in 2010 in support of our small businesses in the face of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, shopping holidays that typically provide excess sales to large businesses.
Supporting local businesses allows you to keep that money in your community, grow the business, and potentially create more jobs for the people of your town, giving back to your community simply by shopping local.
Happy Druggist Pharmacy is proud to be a small business in West Jefferson providing care for its people. Please consider stopping by our store on Saturday. We are open from 9AM-1PM. We would love to discuss with you your prescription needs and see how we can serve your family during the holiday season. We are so very thankful for your support over the last three years. We look forward to continuing to grow and to care for this incredible community.
Please also support Plain City Druggist and Midwestern Compounding Pharmacy in Plain City this Saturday and Happy Druggist on Karl Road in Columbus.
Mental Health and the Holiday Season. By Our Student Pharmacist, Andrew Myers.
The temperature is dropping, snow is falling, and lights, lights are everywhere. The holiday season is upon us and with it comes the gathering of family and friends, meals to be shared, flannel, and fires burning in fireplaces. For some, the holiday season is a joyous time of the year, but that is not the case for everyone. Mental illnesses can be very hard to deal with during the winter festivities for multiple reasons.
Major depressive disorder, or MDD, can be triggered by seasonal patterns, like lack of sunlight due to our days being shorter. This known connection can impact many people each year and when our days get shorter and shorter, the condition gets worse. A few ways to counter this would be to take a walk during the day when sunlight is out, even if it means bundling up. Other methods to improve mood may be to open up blinds and shades to let in sunlight during daytime hours or to make sure to have lights on during the evening hours.
Another correlation between the holiday season and anxiety is increased stress caused by a variety of reasons. Many people are tight financially during the holiday season due to gift giving, increased travel, and other festivity related expenses. The increased financial demand during the final months of the year can cause excess worry, when the holidays are supposed to be about spending time with loved ones. Keep in mind, that the holiday season should be about making memories with loved ones, not about gifts.
Often, the majority of people travel during the holiday season to connect with distant family. As we in Ohio know all too well, that means driving on icy roads with snow falling. Who hasn’t gotten a hand cramp from gripping the steering wheel so tightly during the winter? This increased stress, as mentioned above, can trigger episodes of anxiety. Stay safe on the roads. A four-wheel drive car doesn’t brake any better in the snow, it just means you can pull out of your driveway easier. Nor do snowy roads mean you can only drive five MPH. Give yourself extra time, keep yourself at a safe speed (typically 10 miles or more under the speed limit), and make it to your destination safely. No one wants to lose loved ones due to accidents.
Another aspect of the holiday season that can impact mental health is alcohol use. Most festivities can include alcohol, and, while in small, controlled doses it seems harmless, even slight alcohol consumption can increase levels of depression and anxiety. Alcohol is a depressant and should be consumed responsibly, which sometimes means not at all, especially when you are driving.
Do not let the holidays get you down. Remember that you are surrounded by people who care about you and want the best for you. Reflect and be thankful. And if you are struggling, please do not be silent. At Happy Druggist Pharmacy, we care about you. We are one of many outlets to make sure you are your best self. Please reach out to us if you want to discuss your mental well being.
November–National Diabetes Awareness Month. By Our Student Pharmacist, Andy Myers.
Excessive thirst, frequent urination, cracked feet, and tingling in the hands and feet are just a few signs and symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes has become so prevalent in our society that we often forget just how serious of a disease it is.
Diabetes is ranked in the top ten leading causes of death in the United States; it costs $327 billion dollars in medical expenses in 2017; and roughly 100 million U.S. adults now live with diabetes or prediabetes. Despite all of these statistics, significant strides have been taken to lessen the burden of diabetes on individuals.
Pharmacists can help
Pharmacists are the most accessible healthcare provider. On most days, you can find a pharmacy near you where you can talk to someone who has studied medicine for 6-8 years, and sometimes more. Pharmacists are the medication experts, but more than that they are members of your community. Diabetes is about connecting you with the support you need to make the lifestyle changes that are important to YOU, and pharmacists are more than happy to assist you in your journey.
Dietary changes
A key step in any diabetics path to living a happier, healthier life is considering how their eating habits may have impacted their disease. While people suffering from diabetes come in all shapes and sizes, diabetes will have an impact on how they move forward with their diet. Pharmacists are not dieticians, but they have studied healthy eating habits and how to implement changes. Feel free to ask your pharmacist how to live healthier in just a few small steps.
An important aspect for all patients with diabetes is going to be using diabetes testing supplies to monitor blood sugar throughout the day. These tests can be daunting and hard to interpret. Pharmacists are trained to read these results and, oftentimes in physician offices, a pharmacist will meet with patients to help with their insulin doses based on these readings. That’s right, a pharmacist in some practices is scheduling appointments with patients to monitor their test results and adjust their medicines.
Pharmacists are diabetes experts too!
Did you know that being a diabetic increases your likelihood of contracting other diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations? Since diabetes affects almost every part of the body, there is a higher chance of getting sick in patients with diabetes than without. If you are a patient with diabetes, check with your pharmacist or doctor to make sure you are up to date on your vaccinations. All patients should get their annual flu shot, but this is even more important for diabetic patients. Additionally, patients suffering from diabetes should make sure they are up to date with their vaccinations for pneumonia, hepatitis B, shingles, and Tdap.
Come by Happy Druggist Pharmacy
Diabetes can be a scary diagnosis. At Happy Druggist Pharmacy, we want to help you conquer diabetes. We offer free blood glucose screenings and support groups that will allow you to get the testing supplies you need to monitor your diabetes. We would love to help you on your journey to healthiness.
Enter the 2019 Christmas Under the Clock Coloring Contest Before November 19!
It’s that time of year again. Time for your young artists to pull out their crayons and markers and enter the coloring contest to win a chance to be a “Tree lighting Pixie.”
Children 10 and under are eligible to enter the annual coloring contest. Winners will be chosen from three age groups: 5 and under, 6-8, and 9-10.
All winners must be available on Saturday, December 7 from 4:30 to 5:45 pm for the tree lighting ceremony during Christmas Under the Clock. Tree lighting pixies will turn on the switch to officially light the Plain City Christmas tree and get the holiday underway.
To download an official coloring contest entry form, please go HERE. Or print off the form at the bottom of this posting by clicking on it and then printing.
Coloring contest entry forms can also be picked up at Mainstreet Treasures, 150 West Main Street in Plain City.
Send your completed entry to: UPCO, PO Box 297, Plain City, OH 43064
All entries must be received by Tuesday, November 19.
Winners will be chosen by members of the Christmas Under the Clock committee.
For more information on Christmas Under the Clock, visit the Uptown Plain City Organization (UPCO) web site HERE.
Winners will be announced on the Uptown Plain City (UPCO) Facebook page and via their contact information provided on the entry form. Visit the UPCO Facebook page, HERE.
You can also find out more on the Christmas Under the Clock Facebook page HERE.
The rules for the coloring contest are below. The deadline to turn in the entry is Tuesday, November 19.
Please Welcome Our Student Pharmacist, Andrew Myers, for the Month of November at Happy Druggist in West Jefferson.
This month at Happy Druggist in West Jefferson, Paul and the gang are joined by Andrew Myers, a fourth year pharmacy student from The Ohio State University’s College of Pharmacy.
Andy will graduate in May 2020 and will then take the test to become a registered pharmacist. Andy will be in West Jefferson throughout November, so please stop by and meet him while he is in the store.
Here is what Andrew tells us about himself:
Hello, everyone! My name is Andrew Myers and I am a fourth-year pharmacy student at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.
I grew up in a small town, Limestone, NY, about an hour and a half south of Buffalo. I have attended The Ohio State University for all my college studies, receiving my bachelor of science (B. S.) in pharmaceutical sciences and now seeking my PharmD.
I have been around healthcare for my entire life, as my mother was a nurse and my father was a volunteer EMT when I was a child. I was always intrigued by health and found it particularly interesting how our lives can be changed by giving someone something as small as a pill.
When I first arrived at OSU, I was interested in pursuing drug development and discovery. I wanted to work at finding the next big medication to improve public health. After my first two years, I realized that this route was not for me, as I did not enjoy working in a lab. From there I started working as a pharmacy technician and fell in love with the environment. I have always been a people person, so the pharmacy profession gave me the opportunity to build those relationships and help people.
My passion in pharmacy now is focused around profession advancement, particularly via legislative advocacy. I have spent a lot of my school years outside of the classroom focused on how to engage legislators to utilize pharmacists more efficiently to care for patients. Pharmacists are such an important piece of the healthcare team that, in my opinion, are underutilized and can impact patients in a direct way. We see our patients, know them, their children, and parents, and build relationships.
In a healthcare system where so many people are left behind, I want to take the time and make sure everyone is on the same page. As we continue to drive our profession forward, these opportunities will become more prevalent and we can really work to take care of our patients.
Outside of pharmacy, I am passionate about sports, music, history, and politics. I am a huge tennis fan (Roger Federer will be my favorite athlete until I die), and I also love football and hockey.
I enjoy a variety of genres of music. My all-time favorite band is Rush and I have been lucky enough to see them three times in concert before Neil Peart retired. I also love Mumford and Sons and August Burns Red.
I am very interested in politics and history, particularly the Revolutionary War period. In an era like today where politics are so polarizing, I enjoy thinking about where we started and how that can relate to now.
I look forward to meeting you all during my month at Happy Druggist Pharmacy!