Archive for the ‘Our Love Affair with Animals.’ Category
Pet Safety in the Summer Heat. By Our Student Pharmacist, Ray Chu.
Summer is here in full force! A time for fun in the sun for our whole family, but it’s important that we keep in mind how to ensure that our four-legged family members stay safe in the heat, too.
As the heat rises, like it will this weekend, we know how to keep ourselves cool and we can tell when our children get too hot, but our pets respond differently to the heat and even differently to how they cool down. For example, did you know that a fan would be perfect for us but doesn’t work well to cool down dogs and cats?
This first point is mentioned over and over, but it’s so important that I feel like I have to mention it, as well. Please do not leave your pet in the car, even for a couple minutes. Tragically, pets die every year due to poor judgment by their owners. Cracking the window does not work to keep the car cool enough.
Take a look at the chart at the bottom of this posting to see how hot it can get in your car.
It doesn’t even need to be a hot day for a car to overheat. On a 70-degree day, within 10 minutes, the interior of a car will reach 89 degrees. These temperatures were all tested with the windows cracked.
Once a dog reaches over 107 degrees, they are in serious danger for irreversible organ damage and impending death – and that’s only approximately 10 minutes on an 85-degree day. It will be much hotter than that this weekend.
Many pets love to spend time outside, but on hot days make sure they have plenty of access to shade and cool water to drink. An enclosed doghouse can actually get really hot inside, so it’s best to have shade with lots of airflow like the shade of a large tree or a covered porch. Add ice to the cool water every so often.
We humans can sweat to cool off, but our furry friends cannot. The best way to help them cool themselves internally is to give them cool water to drink. If you like to exercise with your pet, do it in the cooler hours of the day like the early morning or late evening. Take frequent breaks and make sure to bring lots of water with you to let your pet have a drink.
Speaking of having your pet outside, it is important to make sure that the ground is not too hot for them. Many of our pets will not make a fuss if the ground is too hot for them to walk on, even if it is burning them. Their paws may be tough, but they can still be burned. An easy way to check is to place your own hand on the ground for 10 seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your pet. On an 86 degree day, asphalt can easily reach 135 degrees. An egg would fry in five minutes in that temperature!
Many of us must leave our pets at home when we leave for work or other activities. When we leave our pets at home, again, we must make sure they have access to plenty of cool water. The house itself can get very hot, as well. Many owners will turn their air conditioning off when they leave the house. This can be very dangerous for our pets since the temperature can quickly rise to dangerous levels for our pets. The problem is compounded when we are not there to replenish their water bowls. If you do not want to have the air conditioning on as low as when you are in the house, consider setting it to a more conservative temperature like 75 degrees when you leave your pets at home.
So I’ve talked about how to keep your pets cool, but how do we recognize when our pets are overheating, or worse yet, having a heat stroke. Some signs to keep an eye out for are:
- Heavy Panting
- Glazed eyes
- Rapid heartbeat
- Difficulty breathing
- Excessive thirst
- Lethargy (or just really slow and tired acting)
- Fever
- Dizziness
- Lack of coordination
- Salivating a lot
- Vomiting
- A tongue that is deep red or purple in color
- Seizures
- Unconsciousness
What do we do if we find our pets in heat stroke?
We should immediately move them into the shade, or even better, into an air conditioned room. Apply ice packs or cold towels to their head, neck, and chest. We should also run cool (but not cold!) water over those same areas. Let the pet drink small amounts of cool water and, most importantly, take them directly to a veterinarian.
Here are links to some other good articles on the subject:
Support Black and Orange Cat Foundation During The Big Give on October 10 at 10 am Through October 11 at Noon.
Consider helping Black and Orange Cat Foundation during The Big Give!!
The Big Give is a 26-hour online giving event hosted by The Columbus Foundation beginning October 10 at 10 am and ending October 11 at 12 pm (10/10 at 10 to start and 10/11 at 12 to end–see the cool number pattern) that allows Black and Orange Cat Foundation supporters to help tons of central Ohio kitties. Every dollar donated goes to help stray and feral cats.
The Columbus Foundation will pay all credit card fees and they will also provide a $1.3 million plus bonus pool of money that Black and Orange Cat Foundation is eligible to receive donations from. The minimum donation is only $20 via credit card.
Below is the link to Black and Orange Cat Foundation’s page in The Giving Store.
You will go here to donate during The Big Give from Tuesday, October 10 to Wednesday, October 11:
If you would like to see what other groups are participating in The Big Give, go to The Giving Store page and click on the “Explore by Category” button in the middle of the page. You can choose “Animal Welfare” to see everyone in that category, including Black and Orange Cat Foundation. Or if you can’t find our direct link, just put in Black and Orange Cat Foundation at the top of the page under “Explore the Giving Store” and you will find our page–where you will go the day of The Big Give!
This is the first year that Black and Orange Cat Foundation has been eligible to participate in The Big Give, as The Columbus Foundation added nonprofits from Union and Madison County to the pool of charitable groups. The Big Give works with organizations in 10 counties this year.
Please Keep Your Pets Safe By Keeping Them Inside.
Someone within the Village of Plain City is killing cats.
Recently, I learned that a family in Plain City had lost their cat. They searched for her thinking she had merely wandered off visiting neighbors. That, however, was not the case and there was no happy reunion. When they found their beloved cat’s body, the cat had been decapitated and the tail had been cut off. Out of their four cats, three had come up missing in the last few months. To protect their final cat, they took him to live with other family members.
It is scary that someone within our quiet village could demonstrate so much violence toward an innocent and unsuspecting animal. The cat that was killed was very friendly and probably approached the person readily.
It is also scary, because people who torture and kill animals usually progress to people at some point.
The Plain City police are currently investigating this crime. If you know anything about this crime or any others involving animals or if something has happened to your own pet (cat or dog–we do not think this person only kills and tortures cats, but wild animals, as well), please contact the Plain City police department: 614-873-4321 (dispatch) or 614-873-2921 (office).
We must all keep our eyes and ears open to prevent this from happening again. Be aware of suspicious activity and report anything that makes you uncomfortable.
In the meantime, please keep your pets inside or when they do go outside, do not leave them unattended. If you have inside/outside cats, please don’t let them wander until this person is caught.
Pet First Aid. By Our Animal Loving Student Pharmacist, Kristy Jackson.
April is National Pet First Aid Awareness month. We all love our furry friends, but do we know how to take care of them in case of an emergency? We may not want to think about something bad happening to our pets, but, in case something does, it is important to be prepared.
Here are some tips and tricks that can be used when caring for your pet during an emergency.
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross has a great app on Google play and Apple app stores that can be easily downloaded onto your smart phone for free. The app contains a section for dogs and a section for cats. The app includes important information and various videos for you to learn how to handle emergencies. The app also contains an emergency tab where you can preload your veterinarian’s phone number so you can call at the click of a button. You can even upload your pet’s medical records onto the app. Check out the app here:
- Google play:
- Apple app store:
Supplies for a Pet First Aid Kit
Having a pet first aid kit together and ready to use in case of an emergency is a good way to be prepared. Some basic supplies that can be included in a kit are listed below.
- Phone numbers for your veterinarian and animal poison control center (888-426-4435)
- Gauze, nonstick bandages, adhesive tape and towels – to wrap and protect wounds
- Milk of magnesia – to absorb poison (always call your vet or animal poison control before treating your pet)
- Hydrogen peroxide 3% – to induce vomiting
- Digital “fever” thermometer – must take temperature rectally
- Eye droppers or large syringe – to give oral treatments or flush wounds
Knowing basic CPR for your pet is also very important and can help save your pet’s life in times of an emergency. Before you start giving your pet CPR you need to follow the ABCs:
- A: airway
- Check your pet’s airway. Lay them on their side. Tilt their head back and pull their tongue out. Use your finger to check for any foreign objects.
- B: breathing
- If your pet is not breathing, begin rescue breathing. To do this, gently close the pet’s mouth and extend the neck to open the airway. Then cover the nose with your mouth and exhale until you see the animal’s chest rise. Give the breath over one second.
- C: check circulation
- Check your pet for a heart beat. If there is no heart beat, chest compression should be started.
There are different ways to do chest compression on an animal since there are many types of animals. In order to preform CPR properly on your pet, look over the procedure for your type of pet. This information can be found on the app from the American Red Cross mentioned above.
The best thing to do for your pet is to be prepared for an emergency. If you prepare beforehand, you will have a better chance of doing the right thing for your pet and possibly saving their life.
Remember, April is National Pet First Aid Awareness month, so make sure you do what you can to protect your furry friends.
- Pet first aid supplies checklist. Avmaorg. 2016. Available at:
- Pet Disaster Preparedness | Animals, Dogs, Cats | American Red Cross. American Red Cross. 2016. Available at:
Rabies Clinics Being Held Throughout Union County on Sunday, May 17, 1-4 pm.
On Sunday, May 17, from 1 to 4 pm, you can take your dog or cat to various locations throughout Union County to receive rabies vaccinations for $9. The vaccines can be given to dogs and cats four months of age and older. Those animals under four months will not be vaccinated.
The locations where vaccines will be administered in Union County include:
* Coughlin of Marysville in Marysville
* Union Township Fire Department in Milford Center
* Northern Union County Fire Department in Richwood
* Liberty Township Fire Department in Raymond
Unfortunately, there are no locations in Plain City at this time. Dr. Allen of Pleasant Valley Vet Hospital used to kindly donate his time to give the vaccinations at the fire station here in town.
These instructions are very important to keep in mind before bringing your pet:
1. All dogs must be on a leash and controlled by an adult.
2. Each owner is responsible for the control and conduct of their pet at the clinic.
3. Payment can only be made with cash or a check made payable to the veterinarian on site. No credit cards.
4. The veterinarians, organizations, and volunteers involved in sponsoring and conducting the clinics assume no responsibility for accidents occurring to either animals or people at the clinics.
Additionally, dog licenses will be available at all four locations. This event is being sponsored by Union County veterinarians, the Union County Humane Society, and the Union County Health Department.
For more information, go HERE.