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Please Welcome Our Second Student Pharmacist for June, Andy Dauner.


A few days ago, we introduced you to Rebecca Rady, one of our two student pharmacists for the month of June. Today, we’d like to have you meet Andy Dauner. Andy is also a fourth year pharmacy student from The Ohio State University’s College of Pharmacy. Please make Andy feel very welcome while he is with us this entire month.

Here is what Andy has to say about himself:

My name is Andy Dauner. I am currently a fourth year pharmacy student at The Ohio State University’s College of Pharmacy and I am excited to be joining the Plain City Druggist team for the month of June.

I am a Buckeye through and through, as I earned my bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences from OSU prior to pursuing a PharmD degree. I have spent a great deal of time closer to the downtown area, but am not overly familiar with Plain City. Originally I come from just down I-71, a few minutes north of Cincinnati (right next to King’s Island), and now live in Grandview.

Currently, I am engaged to be married and have my hands full planning the wedding and taking care of our Great Pyrenees puppy, Margot. I enjoy reading, both watching and playing sports (especially football and basketball), hosting friends for grill outs, and occasionally indulging in local craft beers.

My decision to explore pharmacy as a career did not come until nearly halfway through my time as an undergraduate, as I was undecided on the choice between pursuing medicine or pharmacy. Ultimately, I decided to continue my pharmacy education after a few courses in biochemistry and working as a pharmacy technician for several years at a local Kroger. I will never forget holding a bottle of Allopurinol in my hand and being taken by just how amazing it was that these little pills could alter the human body in such a profound way (in this case, alleviating gout symptoms). As my education has continued, I have grown to appreciate the difference a pharmacist can make in the lives of patients and I love being a part of that. Frankly, I originally chose to pursue pharmacy because it struck me as being simply cool.

Throughout school I have interned at Mt. Carmel West in the inpatient pharmacy, compounding IV solutions, stocking the medication cabinets throughout the hospital, and working with physicians and nurses. After completing my degree, I aim to pursue an inpatient residency. I have a high interest in critical and emergency care and hope to one day work on such a unit in a hospital. My fiancé and I are open to staying in Columbus or moving elsewhere in the country before settling down, as we have both lived in Ohio our entire lives. I look forward to becoming acquainted with Plain City and honing my skills at Plain City Druggist, as well as becoming part of the team throughout the month of June and helping out any way that I can.


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