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Please Welcome Sarwar Ghani, Our Fourth Year Student Pharmacist, at Karl Road for the Month of December.


This month, we are joined at Happy Druggist on Karl Road by Sarwar Ghani, a fourth-year pharmacy student from The Ohio State University’s College of Pharmacy.

Sarwar will graduate in May 2021 and will then take the test to become a registered pharmacist. Sarwar will be with Kristie and the staff on Karl Road throughout December, so please stop by and meet him while he is in the store in Columbus.

Here is what Sarwar tells us about himself:

Hello! My name Sarwar Ghani and I am a fourth-year pharmacy student at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. I will be on rotation at Happy Druggist located on Karl Road for the month of December.

I am originally from Bangladesh, a small country located in south-east Asia. I moved to the USA right after graduating high-school. I was always interested in a health care related profession and, while still enrolled in the exploratory program at The Ohio State University for my undergraduate degree, I started working for CVS/Pharmacy. I was fortunate enough to have a great pharmacist for a supervisor and it was while working with her that I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in pharmacy. I completed my Bachelors of Science in Pharmaceutical Science and started the Pharm.D program in 2017.

During my IPPE years, I got the opportunity to shadow pharmacists in the community, hospital and ambulatory care settings and it was very clear that I preferred to practice in the community setting.  I really enjoy my role at my current job and being able to build the professional relationship with my patients is something that enables me to provide them with the best possible care.

While the profession of pharmacy is changing, I feel that it will always be centered on patient care and that is what drives me towards the profession of a pharmacist. As I finish up my final year of pharmacy school, I hope to gain more experience in different areas of pharmacy practice and ultimately hope to practice in a setting that allows me to make connections with my patients while helping them lead healthier lives.

Outside of pharmacy school, I enjoy traveling, reading, cooking, playing video games, and trying food from different cultures. I also enjoy listening to music when I am driving. While it has been difficult to make time for my hobbies with my APPE rotations and work, I try to allocate at least 2-3 hours every week to do one activity. As I get closer to graduating, I am starting to realize the importance of having a hobby that can take away all the stress and tension and allow me to practice with a clear head.

I am excited to be at Happy Druggist this month and I look forward to making connections with patients while learning more about independent pharmacy practice!

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